Hey guys! This is the first issue of our monthly digest in which we will be highlighting the latest Emer developments.
Emercoin core
We added EmerSSL and InfoCard interfaces to the wallet. You can find the buttons to call them on the Manage Names tab. You will also see whether the name is already taken as you type it. Integration of the EmerCert utility, which creates EmerSSL certificates as per the X.509 standard, is underway. We’re also busy building an RPC interface for RandPay, a lottery payment system whose mathematical apparatus supports up to a trillion payments per year.
We have released an alpha version of EmerAPI Key Keeper. It works “out of the box”, so you don’t need to download the blockchain and can start creating transactions and records right away. The feature-rich app can work with either the local wallet or a remote server.
The Keeper now offers master passwords that are backwards compatible with Aspanta’s mobile wallets. We have made the user interface for creating arbitrary transactions simpler in advanced mode. You can now also create ATOM transactions using a convenient interface.
We have updated the server and website of the emcdpo.info project. It now supports both password-based and guest authorization mode. Now you can request the history of name changes from the server, which will make things much easier for blockchain projects.
Next month we plan to add public key authorization to Key Keeper. The authorization system will use the EMC address as an ID. We are also working on a really cool feature that will give new Key Keeper users a few Emercents to use in the real blockchain. You will be able to create up to fifty names and perform up to one hundred operations with them.
Emer search
This month we started preparing for the EmerDNS infrastructure expansion, having set up two DNS servers that support not only our own .lib, .bazar, .coin, and .emc domain zones, but also Namecoin’s .bit and all of OpenNic’s alternative domain zones.
We started building a website directory within the Emer blockchain. The directory organizer will be comparing websites using a number of parameters and ranking them. This way, the search will prioritize live, properly configured, content-rich websites in our domain zones.
That’s it. Stay tuned for more, and happy new year!