A solution for those who needs reliability, stability, security and freedom.
On September 22, 2018 the Fifth International Practical Conference CryptoInstallFest tool place in Moscow. Speakers from different countries presented their projects and discussed data protection, cryptography, decentralized solutions, network technologies, anonymity, blockchain, cryptocurrency, etc.
Nikolai Ptitsyn, an integration specialist of Emercoin spoke about EmerDNS, an alternative to domain name system based on blockchain technology. Nikolai Ptitsyn has 13 years of programming experience. He took part is several large-scale projects related to the development of administrative systems. From 2014 to 2018 he was the leading developer of REGNUM News Agency and now he is the leader of IT-cooperative «Code-Artel», which actively participates in the development of Emercoin.
Below you can read the report, which he presented during the conference.
The current implementation of DNS is unreliable. One would think that records that are published by resource owners belong to them; however, this is far from the case. Now everything is very similar to the money in a bank. Owning a DNS record is akin to owning money. You have money, you bring it to a bank, and from that moment they don’t belong to you anymore. Any delinquency and your account, is frozen and your money is arrested. The same is with DNS. The system is vulnerable to attacks and is subject to external control. Nothing prevents anyone with the appropriate rights from rewriting records in DNS and sending clients to another address. Such attacks can have different goals, but what matters is that you do not control your records. What kind of reliability can we talk about in such an implementation?
Such factors force people to seek alternatives – more reliable, more transparent, and more secure. And where there is demand, there is always an offer.
There are alternatives, and we are talking about a system that meets the current demands of users. EmerDNS is a system based on Emercoin blockchain, or rather on NVS (Name-Value Storage) inside Emercoin. It is decentralized and even more protected than the famous BitCoin itself (it is not enough to have 51% of capacity, it is necessary to have 51% of coins as well, and it is much more difficult). Anyone other than their creators can't alter records. You cannot create a duplicate name. Attack “man in the middle” vulnerability will not work either. That’s how the system is built. And the only factor that we still are working to overcome is to minimize human factor since the theft of keys has is still possible, and people are sometimes more vulnerable than computers. So, your money is not in a bank. Your money is yours.
NVS inside Emercoin is built on transparency. At any time, you can see the record, at any time you can see what actually happens in the core of the kernel since all the code is open. Moreover, Emercoin team is always ready to help users and those who really want to move forward.
Often people complain about the difficulty of using new tools, but the old ones are not better. It is possible without any experience with DNS setup to connect the system to your local machine using dnsmasq only in 15 minutes. Moreover, there are various options for connection. You can use OpenNIC services, which create a “bridge” between the classing DNS and EmerDNS. It is enough to register their IP addresses in the settings of the network card, or use the FriGate plugin, and the browser will receive records from Emercoin blockchain. Or you can go further and register an OpenNIC server at OS level. And all browsers will work. However, this variant has a significant drawback – if OpenNIC servers fall, it will be very bad for you.
And here a very simple solution comes to the rescue. EmerDNS is already integrated into the core of Emercoin, and by installing a wallet, you also simultaneously set a local DNS. You only need to write two commands from the documentation in the configuration file, restart the wallet and explain to the system that the domain addresses .lib, .emc, .coin and .bazar must be taken from the localhost. This option is the fastest – no need to access external DNS, the records are received fast, and even if the domain name systems falls all over the world, EmerDNS will work as if nothing had happened.
More and more resource owners who have problems with Roskomnadzor and other governmental organizations are turning their attention to this alternative. RuTracker, Flibusta – the list goes on and on. And even hackers, who value reliability like no other, chose EmerDNS – read about the results of Fbot analyses by NetLab 360 team. The creators of this beauty based their botnet on EmerDNS.
I’m not tired of repeating that the time of singles has already passed. And this applies not only to people but also to digital space. Emercoin is just one tool in the whole digital world. A lot of solutions are already based on NVS Emercoin: a superb add-on over SSH, which solves a lot of server administration problems and its SSL certificate system that reinvents the principles of both domains and users recognition. All these tools evangelize reliability, stability, security, and anonymity of work in the network.