ENUMER is a system for supporting ENUM telephone records on Emercoin's blockchain, under the "enum" service abbreviation in the Emercoin NVS.
Read more about ENUMER on the site enumer.org.
ENUMER Introduction
ENUM (E.164 Number to URI Mapping) translates telephone numbers into Internet addresses, for use by SIP Proxies, VoIP gateways, and other specialised telephony systems.
A softswitch can send ENUM requests to a wallet:
$ dig -t naptr +short 08068886681.enum
100 10 "u" "E2U+sip" "!^(.*)$!sip:\\[email protected]!" .
or public ENUMER gateway:
$ dig -t naptr +short 08068886681.enum.enumer.org
100 10 "u" "E2U+sip" "!^(.*)$!sip:\\[email protected]!" .
Record format
SIG=verifier|signature E2U+sip=PRI1|PRI2|RegExp
NVS Example
ENUM data should be stored in the following name->value format in the Emercoin NVS:
"name" : "enum:12027139373:0"
"value" : "SIG=ver:enum|HxQY4nUHtf+nK/btxa0jT4UuPQPKk0pyxrJuXlF8YVVFDKhY6PVcE1XiSvTOxlQryzfA1GIH2IRYk7uGHrZIbP4= E2U+sip=100|10|!.*$!sip:[email protected]
To activate this feature, set some config params in emercoin.conf:
#EmerDNSallowed=.coin|.emc|.lib|.bazar # remove Allowed TLDs without ENUM
EmerDNSallowed=$enum|.coin|.emc|.lib|.bazar # add Allowed TLDs with ENUM
Retrieving an ENUM record from the Emercoin NVS:
$ emc name_show enum:12027139373:0
And the result:
"name": "enum:12027139373:0",
"value": "SIG=ver:enum|HxQY4nUHtf+nK/btxa0jT4UuPQPKk0pyxrJuXlF8YVVFDKhY6PVcE1XiSvTOxlQryzfA1GIH2IRYk7uGHrZIbP4=\nE2U+sip=100|10|!^.*$!sip:[email protected]!",
"txid": "2bbc7e292c793c613a9294ae7ed080d7a31110365c085ffc566f50a8f1631cac",
"address": "ELHNUgKZmGX5yjTYC1gKdGV33xVX6hinKq",
"expires_in": 940325,
"expires_at": 1158295,
"time": 1482526025
You can view ENUM records that have already been deployed in the Emercoin blockchain on a blockexplorer, by clicking here.
To register your phone number with ENUMER (Emercoin ENUM), you will need to:
- Obtain a signature (as this is not currently automated, please contact the Emercoin team for manual verification),
- Insert the signature in the "enum" record for your phone number into the Emercoin NVS.
Automatic validation of phone numbers
enumer.bitname.ru - allows for one EMC to validate a number and get an ENUM record to your wallet